Dr Niraj (Nij) Lal graduated with a PhD in physics from the University of Cambridge as a Gates Scholar in 2012 and was named one of the ABC's Top 5 Scientists Under 40 in 2016. He's currently a Visiting Fellow with the ANU Centre for Sustainable Energy Systems, Principal at AEMO, and the new host of ‘Imagine This’ for ABC Kids Listen. Nij regularly appears on telly and radio to talk science (he’s obsessed). He lives in Melbourne, Australia with his partner Sally and three kids Ash, Ella and Miles.
More info at nirajlal.org henrytheflyingemu.org Imagine This – ABC Kids Listen
"Niraj is a gifted writer of children's stories. His latest story, about an emu that wanted to fly, brings real depth of science to a lovely story. The reader learns that the emu's tendency to fall to Earth is just the same as the Moon, constantly falling towards the Earth, but staying of course in its orbit around the Earth. This is Isaac Newton's story of the apple falling on his head re-written - great for all ages!" - Sir Richard Friend FRS, Cavendish Professor of Physics, University of Cambridge